Nobumitsu (Nobu) Kashiki

Nobumitsu (Nobu) Kashiki

Weastec would like to welcome Nobumitsu (Nobu) Kashiki back to Weastec for his second tour. Nobu was previously here from May, 2016 through June, 2021 working in the new model group. This time his role will be expanding and he will be working with the entire operations division. He began is career at Toyodenso in 2007. Please let him know if he can support you in any way.

His wife, Chiaki and son Hayato will be coming to America in June along with his golden retriever, Shelly.  He is looking forward to traveling with his family and giving Shelly some room to run.  

If you ever want to try Japanese food, let him know, but please wait until Chiaki gets here.  Two of his hobbies are photography and working with plastic models.  If you do not already know him, please introduce yourself.