Weastec Give Big Week
Give Big Week wrapped on Friday August 2nd with an ice cream social during each lunch for Weastec associates.
The week consisted of associates giving back to the community while Weastec gave back to its associates.
Each facility was tasked with collecting supplies for a cause. Hillsboro collected diapers to be donated to Community Action in Hillsboro which will serve Highland County families in need. Over 1,600 diapers were collected in total!
Greenfield collected supplies and food for the local animal shelter. Bags of dog & cat food, dishes, cleaning supplies & treats were collected for local animals awaiting adoption. Supplies will be donated to the Highland County Humane Society.
Dublin associates plan to volunteer time at Ronald McDonald House charities to prepare a lunch for residents as well as collecting and assembling tie blankets that are given to each family that stays in the Ronald McDonald House.
Weastec is proud of the community it serves and the associates that make it a great place to work!
A blood drive was hosted on-site at WHO Wednesday with over 40 donors participating and 20 first time donors! Hoxworth reports that 87 lives could be saved from the blood products collected from Weastec associates!
Associates took part in a lunch Thursday and ice cream on Friday all provided by Weastec in order to say thank you for everything you do for Weastec! Managers were assigned spots at lunch to scoop ice cream for associates and thank them one on one for their hard work.
There were several opportunities during the week for associates to learn about volunteering opportunities in their area and explore new benefits that allow them to volunteer their time during work hours for charitable causes.
Thank you to all who made this week possible and all who participated. Thank you to Weastec associates for making this a great place to work!